This year, we are showing that Solidarity has no Borders.
Despite the challenges in the border zone and the failures of the British and French States, we will not stop supporting displaced people.
Oder before December 16th for guaranteed Christmas delivery in the UK
For the EU we cannot guarantee Christmas arrival, but we do post to the EU and Europe!
For each t-shirt we gain £10 for Calais Appeal. This is after production costs, and a £2 gift to the charity Solidaritee.
Your donation goes into a
common pot to be shared by all consortium members.
We are a consortium of charities working at the France-UK border. We collaborate to provide basic shelter, firewood, water, warmth, clothing, food, essential legal information and much more to people seeking safety.
We initially existed as a crowdfunding campaign due to a sudden pull-out of funding from the region at the end of 2021. Since then, we have grown together as an alliance working on multiple topics. We work towards common goals and are united in finding shared solutions to the challenges we face, both on a daily level, and from a long-term perspective.
Daily Activities
Each charity member conducts daily vital work to ensure the stability of displaced people in the UK-France border zone. Together, we secure the basic needs for hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of individuals each month, by providing shelter, firewood, clothing, blankets, play and education for children, water, food, essential information, sim cards and accompaniment. We support men, women, children and unaccompanied minors.
Safeguarding and Welfare
We assist our members in safeguarding and welfare through delivering trainings, writing policies and leading the cross-organisational Safeguarding Network.
We build the capacity of our members to fundraise, by helping them with grant applications, donor relations, and their overall fundraising strategies.
Communications and Advocacy
We amplify the voices of frontline organisations to raise awareness about what's really going on in Northern France. Through the media, report writing and campaigns, we're trying to change the public conversation about people on the move.